Title: K problematice překladu starozákonních metaforických vyjádření na pozadí moderních překladů Bible do češtiny
Abstract:Translation of Old Testament metaphorical phrases as practiced in Czech versions of the BibleThe purpose of the present study is to analyse and interpret Czech Bible translations with respect to metap...Translation of Old Testament metaphorical phrases as practiced in Czech versions of the BibleThe purpose of the present study is to analyse and interpret Czech Bible translations with respect to metaphorical expressions.In the field of biblical studies, cognitive linguistics offers a valuable methodological tool for analysis, interpretation, and translation of metaphorical expressions.The legal language of the Hebrew canon is extremely specific and formalized.One can find numerous examples of general reflections regarding the motives of obeying and disobeying the law accompanied by reflections of topics that are today associated with legal theory and philosophy of law.These are especially frequent in the preambles to collections of laws in the Pentateuch, but one will also find them in the psalms, prophecies and wisdom literature.Read More