Title: The Influence of Athlete Students' Psychological Capital on Track and Field Performance
Abstract:This study aims to know the correlation between students' psychological capital on track and field performance.The subjects of this study were 18 athletes who still studied in Senior High School in Ea...This study aims to know the correlation between students' psychological capital on track and field performance.The subjects of this study were 18 athletes who still studied in Senior High School in East Java.The adapted Psychological Capital Questionnaire for sport was constructed by Luthans, et al. (2007).The product moment method is utilized for statistic analyzing.The result of data analysis was 0.473, meaning that the psychological capital variable influences the individual performance on track and field.The variable influenced 47.3% of the athlete's performance.Therefore, it can be concluded that track and field athletes must join the psychological coaching in order to develop their performance.Read More