Title: Treatises Used by Nude Painting Students at the School of Fine Arts of Lisbon in the ‘Turn of the Century’
Abstract:This paper research on the existing treatises on nude painting at the School of Fine Arts of Lisbon in the ‘turn of the century’. The collection of all bibliography is presented with a summary of its ...This paper research on the existing treatises on nude painting at the School of Fine Arts of Lisbon in the ‘turn of the century’. The collection of all bibliography is presented with a summary of its content and importance to the young painting students with the aim of understanding the treatises that these students used and can represent an influence on their academic production. The compilation was possible to be done with the help of the public national online archive of the Academy of Fine Arts and a publish from (at the time) Professor Varela de Aldemira (1895-1975). The methodology is based on an existing list of acquired publication by the Academy of Fine Arts and the testimony of this last mention Professor. It was noteworthy the importance of the works made by Édouard Charton, which the volumes being produced at this time were important to provide a view of the world. It was anticipated many books on anatomy and painting techniques, but the periodical acquisition of <i>Gazette of Beaux-Arts, The Art Journal, The Fine Arts</i> and <i>The Fine Arts Quarterly Review</i>, allowed ceaseless knowledge of what was being studied and produced internationally. Finally, there is scarce national production, which could be explained by the foreign circulation in Portugal and the special edition made by the Portuguese Professor and founder of the Academy of Fine Arts of Lisbon, Francisco de Assis Rodrigues, revealing that he cared for pedagogical issues. The author hopes that this paper encourages international researchers to fulfill and contribute to a more global understanding of European Painting Education History.Read More