Title: A New Generation Draws the Line: Humanitarian Intervention And The “Responsibility To Protect” Today
Abstract:Book review: Chomsky N. A New Generation Draws the Line: Humanitarian Intervention and the "Responsibility to Protect" Today.Boulder: Paradigm Publishers, 2012. 176 p. The book under review examines c...Book review: Chomsky N. A New Generation Draws the Line: Humanitarian Intervention and the "Responsibility to Protect" Today.Boulder: Paradigm Publishers, 2012. 176 p. The book under review examines controversial norm of "humanitarian intervention". It clearly demonstrates that the norm was used selectively and with different argumentations in various situations. Noam Chomsky has managed to present a fair and balanced account of positive and negative aspects of humanitarian interventions as well as provide thought-provoking policy recommendations for improving human rights protection.Read More