Title: Reivindicación de estatus y costumbres foráneas en el registro funerario medieval castellano. A propósito de dos casos de Cantabria
Abstract:Description and interpretation of two funerary contexts from 12th-13th Centuries Cantabria: the burials with «golden spurs» in San Martín de Elines and the grave with incense pots in Santa María de la...Description and interpretation of two funerary contexts from 12th-13th Centuries Cantabria: the burials with «golden spurs» in San Martín de Elines and the grave with incense pots in Santa María de la Ascensión of Castro Urdiales. The first case connects with the development of noble cavalry in Castile in 13th Century, whereas in the second one the reasons for the presence of a funerary custom unconnected with the local tradition are analysed.Read More