Title: L’immagine di San Benedetto in un affresco recentemente restaurato nell’oratorio romano di S. Ermete
Abstract:In the middle of the eleventh century, a fresco was made in the apse of the so-called oratory above the underground basilica of Saint Hermes, excavated in the homonymous catacombs of the Via Salaria V...In the middle of the eleventh century, a fresco was made in the apse of the so-called oratory above the underground basilica of Saint Hermes, excavated in the homonymous catacombs of the Via Salaria Vetus. After the restoration, directed by the Pontifical Commission for Sacred Archaeology, it is quite clear now the solemn decorative program, which focuses on Christ between angels and the Virgin Mary, along with St. Hermes, St. John the Evangelist and St. Benedict, depicted here with an early iconography, but already canonical.Read More