Title: Perilous Noninterventions? The Counterfactual Assessment of Libya and the Need to be a Responsible Power
Abstract:This article argues that Hardeep Singh Puri’s Perilous Interventions fails to fully grasp the risk of perilous non intervention. It makes two central points. First, the fallacious critique of interven...This article argues that Hardeep Singh Puri’s Perilous Interventions fails to fully grasp the risk of perilous non intervention. It makes two central points. First, the fallacious critique of intervention reflects a worryingly narrow understanding of the r2p , particularly its third pillar, which overlooks the contributions that the r2p can make more generally. Second, Puri’s account highlights a clear lack of responsible leadership on behalf of India, in particular in relation to its failure to support fully the ‘Responsibly while Protecting’ proposal and lack of critique of the foreign policy of Russia.Read More
Title: $Perilous Noninterventions? The Counterfactual Assessment of Libya and the Need to be a Responsible Power
Abstract: This article argues that Hardeep Singh Puri’s Perilous Interventions fails to fully grasp the risk of perilous non intervention. It makes two central points. First, the fallacious critique of intervention reflects a worryingly narrow understanding of the r2p , particularly its third pillar, which overlooks the contributions that the r2p can make more generally. Second, Puri’s account highlights a clear lack of responsible leadership on behalf of India, in particular in relation to its failure to support fully the ‘Responsibly while Protecting’ proposal and lack of critique of the foreign policy of Russia.