Title: Ravisius Textor’s «Epitheta» and Niklaus Reusner’s «Picta poesis Ovidiana» in «Jerusalén conquistada» and other works by Lope de Vega
Abstract:This paper examines the presence of two works —Ravisius Textor’s Epitheta and Niklaus Reusner’s Picta poesis Ouidiana— in Lope de Vega’s epic poem Jerusalén conquistada and in several other works by h...This paper examines the presence of two works —Ravisius Textor’s Epitheta and Niklaus Reusner’s Picta poesis Ouidiana— in Lope de Vega’s epic poem Jerusalén conquistada and in several other works by him. It shows how these two works were a very important source of information and inspiration for Lope de Vega all along his literary career.Read More