Title: La ciudad de Rávena y los paisajes de la abstracción en "Deserto Rosso" de Michelangelo Antonioni
Abstract:This research seeks to bring into focus the importance of landscape in Michelangelo Antonioni’s film Deserto Rosso, as it stands out as a fundamental element of the film’s plot. Starting from this pre...This research seeks to bring into focus the importance of landscape in Michelangelo Antonioni’s film Deserto Rosso, as it stands out as a fundamental element of the film’s plot. Starting from this premise, the meaning of the landscape is discussed within the socio-artistic context of the sixties. The interaction between man and his environment seems to be the starting point for a deeper reflection about human becoming. The new aesthetic achievements attained, and the art-historical analysis of this film’s immediate precedings, place Deserto Rosso as a masterpiece of European postmodern neovanguard.Read More