Title: The Diffusion of Sextus Empiricus's Works in the Renaissance
Abstract:An Annotated List of Three Known Latin TranslationsIn discussing the recovery of Pyrrhonism during the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries, it seems that any analysis of the influence of Sextus Empiricu...An Annotated List of Three Known Latin TranslationsIn discussing the recovery of Pyrrhonism during the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries, it seems that any analysis of the influence of Sextus Empiricus's works on Renaissance culture has to be based on a careful investigation of what primary and secondary sources were available at the time, and who knew and made use of such sources.For this purpose scholars have, since the second half of the nineteenth century, located and studied five Latin translations of Sextus Empiricus's works.This has recently led to the reconstruction of a family of manuscripts consisting of three copies of a late medieval translation.T : Paris,Read More