Title: Biology of Megalotomus quinquespinosus (Hemiptera: Alydidae)
Abstract:In southern Wisconsin, Megalotomus quinquespinosus (Say) overwinters in the egg and has 2 complete generations a year. These overlap from late June through August. Field-collected specimens were reare...In southern Wisconsin, Megalotomus quinquespinosus (Say) overwinters in the egg and has 2 complete generations a year. These overlap from late June through August. Field-collected specimens were reared in 1-pint ice cream cartons covered with petri dish lids, and were fed red clover and soybean seeds. The preoviposition period was 6â14 days (|$\bar x$| = 8.8), and females deposited 39â615 eggs (|$\bar x$| = 237) ; the mean oviposition period was 59 days, with average production of 4 eggs per day. Males lived 38â187 days (|$\bar x$| = 95) ; females, 32â134 days (|$\bar x$| = 70). Frequent mating occurred, and eggs were released singly by the females. The âimmediateâ incubation period required 7â18 days (|$\bar x$| = 13) ' the âdelayedâ (diapause) incubation period, 54â94 days (|$\bar x$| = 81). Egg characters were recorded, and head capsules of exuviae of the 5 instars were measured; no overlapping between stages was noted. An average of 5 days was spent in each of the first 3 instars, 7 days in the fourth, and 10 clays in the fifth instar.Read More