Title: Maximum Power Point Tracking Method for Photovoltaic System using Numerical Model
Abstract:This paper presents a newly developed maximum power point tracking (MPPT) method for photovoltaic system. The characteristics of PV panel are numerically formulated and the MPPT is performed by PI con...This paper presents a newly developed maximum power point tracking (MPPT) method for photovoltaic system. The characteristics of PV panel are numerically formulated and the MPPT is performed by PI control method using the function-transformation-technique. The numerical PV model-parameters are compensated both by the irradiance and temperature. The irradiance is detected by CdS element located beside the PV panel and the temperature is measured by thermistor pasted on the back of PV panel. The experimental data show that MPPT is performed with no perturbation on PV output power and with fast response characteristic using no-current sensor.Read More