Title: Carbon Sink Issues under the Kyoto Protocol
Abstract:The debates about how the sinks of GHG should be accounted under the Kyoto Protocol were delivered of Article 3.3 about the so-called “Kyoto Forest”, which includes Aforestation, Reforestation and Def...The debates about how the sinks of GHG should be accounted under the Kyoto Protocol were delivered of Article 3.3 about the so-called “Kyoto Forest”, which includes Aforestation, Reforestation and Deforestation (ARD) into the scope of the Protocol. However, the definition of these terms has not been established explicitly, and so, depending on the definition of “Reforestation”, the carbon sequestration accounting of forest management activities may vary greatly from country to country. This difference in the institutional arrangement of sinks has some political implications for countries under the Kyoto Protocol.Read More