Title: Leadership That Reinforces Learning: A Comparative Study between Manufacturing and Service Sector Organizations of Pakistan
Abstract:The study being done in response to the high demand of making the organizations more supportive to encounter the abundant changes that occur and reoccur in the world of business .The role of leadershi...The study being done in response to the high demand of making the organizations more supportive to encounter the abundant changes that occur and reoccur in the world of business .The role of leadership is undeniable, pervasive and overwhelming as "leadership that reinforces learning" is one of the building blocks of "learning organizations" this study will benefit the organizations to compare their potential to take the advantage of their leadership to embark on the journey of learning.At the same time it will serve the purpose of new domains in research to improvise leadership traits, styles and their real time utility.The most important variable in the third building block "leadership that reinforces learning" have been found to be the interaction of leaders with their subordinates, identify and ultimately resolve their ambiguities.The other variable found significant is the transfer of knowledge to others across the organizations.The result also reveals that both education as well as manufacturing sector lacks the active and effective role of leadership.It is concluded that education sector even lags behind the manufacturing concerns.It is therefore concluded that in order to make these sectors impart value to the society leadership be enhanced.Read More