Title: A modified version of the Reynolds-stress model applicable right up to a wall and its application to turbulent Couette flow.
Abstract:The Reynolds-stress model, proposed by Shima and applicable right up to a wall has been partly modified and the performance of this model has been investigated in turbulent channel flow. The mean velo...The Reynolds-stress model, proposed by Shima and applicable right up to a wall has been partly modified and the performance of this model has been investigated in turbulent channel flow. The mean velocity, the turbulence intensities and the dissipation rate of the turbulence kinetic energy are calculated. It is found that in all respects investigated in this paper the modified version of the Reynolds-stress model is superior or at least equal to the existing Shima model and anisotrokic k-ε model. Next, the proposed model is applied to turbulent Couette flow to conform the universal validity of this model. In this flow, the turbulence has two strong characters. Near the wall the three components of the turbulence intensities differ significantly and are similar to those of the wall turbulence. But the core region exhibits strong indications of the homogneity in turbulence structure. The proposed model describes these properties quantitatively.Read More