Title: O modelo egológico no documentário brasileiro: a individualização pela rentabilidade cênica em Estamira e A pessoa é para o que nasce
Abstract:The objective of this dissertation is to place the phenomenon of characters' individualization in the contemporary documentary inside a critic and historical perspective, transforming many times the n...The objective of this dissertation is to place the phenomenon of characters' individualization in the contemporary documentary inside a critic and historical perspective, transforming many times the name of the character in the name of the movie, and to discuss the selection criterion of these characters by values as charisma, talent or scenic´s profitability, in tune with the notion of performance in a broad sense (inclusive in a business sense).The central movies of this discussion are Marcos Prado´s Estamira (2006) and Roberto Berlinner´s A pessoa é para o que nasce (2006), both with principal female characters that are inserted in a social and organic deficit situation, but, still, in a dynamics of scenic and productive superavit, acting as selfentrepreneurial that build their own images.In these documentaries and others are imposed a self-logical model, centered in the individuals, without many social implications.The research doesn´t deal only with a documentary circumscription in the 2000´s, operating still in a brief historical panorama of the Brazilian documentary that follows Cabra marcado para morrer (1984) and analyzing a strategy change of focus in comparison with the 1960´s modern lineage, connected into the Cinema Novo, when the another of lower class was approached in a political and social situation and placing the movie through a narrator that were associated with a knowledge, procedure that is classified by Jean-Claude Bernardet as sociological model.Read More