Title: The Relationships among Brand Equity, Brand Preference, and Purchase Intention: Empirical Evidence from the Motorbike Market in Vietnam
Abstract:This study is aimed at exploring the effects of components of brand equity on overall brand equity; and the effects of overall brand equity on brand preference and purchase intention in the motorbike ...This study is aimed at exploring the effects of components of brand equity on overall brand equity; and the effects of overall brand equity on brand preference and purchase intention in the motorbike market in Vietnam. Based on a sample of 309 consumers, structural equation modeling (SEM) is used to test hypotheses. The research reveals that: (1) perceived quality, brand association and brand loyalty have positive effects on overall brand equity, but brand awareness has no effect on overall brand equity; (2) overall brand equity has positive impacts on brand preference and purchase intention; and (3) brand preference has a positive influence on purchase intention. These findings have implications for marketers.Read More