Title: Pilomyxoid astrocytoma in an adult woman: Case report
Abstract:Pilomyxoid astrocytoma (PMA) is a recently classified WHO grade II astrocytoma that is histologically similar to pilocytic astrocytoma (PA). Both tumors typically present in childhood, but PMA is more...Pilomyxoid astrocytoma (PMA) is a recently classified WHO grade II astrocytoma that is histologically similar to pilocytic astrocytoma (PA). Both tumors typically present in childhood, but PMA is more aggressive with higher rates of recurrence and cerebrospinal fluid dissemination. Currently, there is no standardized treatment protocol for PMA although this will change with increased awareness of this disease entity within the neurosurgical community. We present a 22-year-old patient with a left frontal lobe PMA manifesting with atypical radiographic findings. This is the first reported case of PMA in an adult woman.Read More