Title: An Evaluation of the Single Orientation Method for Texture Determination in Materials of Moderate Texture Strength
Abstract:New microscopy technology has made it feasible to consider using single orientation measurements to obtain Orientation Distribution Functions (ODF). Single orientations are preferred over pole figure ...New microscopy technology has made it feasible to consider using single orientation measurements to obtain Orientation Distribution Functions (ODF). Single orientations are preferred over pole figure data in ODF calculations because the odd terms of the series expansion are not directly accessible when pole figures are used. However, the number of single orientation measurements required to calculate a statistically reliable ODF has generally been considered too large to practically obtain. This study found that the location of the major features of the ODF in rolled aluminum sheet were identifiable after only 100 measurements. However, the heights of the peaks and the secondary features required many more measurements to stabilize. Unless the orientation measurements can be automated or orientation correlation data is needed the pole figure method remains a more efficient means of obtaining the data necessary to measure texture.Read More