Title: A New Method for the Determination of Texture Functions From Incomplete Pole Figures—Comparison With Older Methods
Abstract:Three series expansion methods for texture analysis from incomplete pole figures have been compared. Method I is the presently most used method, method II is a variant of it and method III is entirely...Three series expansion methods for texture analysis from incomplete pole figures have been compared. Method I is the presently most used method, method II is a variant of it and method III is entirely new. Computer programs have been written for the three methods. Incomplete pole figures have then been prepared from known textures of f.c.c. metals. In some cases, artificial experimental errors have been simulated. These pole figures were analyzed by the three computer programs, after which the resulting texture functions were compared to the original texture functions. No significant differences were found for weak textures. On the other hand, the results of method I are much poorer than those of the two other methods for sharp textures, because it underestimates the normalisation factors. The best results were obtained by method III.Read More