Title: E-portfolio Assessment System for an Outcome-Based Information Technology Curriculum
Abstract:Currently colleges and universities are facing a number of problems, including ill designed curricula that do not address demands from the job market. There is also tremendous pressure from society on...Currently colleges and universities are facing a number of problems, including ill designed curricula that do not address demands from the job market. There is also tremendous pressure from society on academic institutions to provide an education that results in guaranteed employment, especially given the soaring price of higher education. Currently, a number of academic institutions are facing the problem of grade inflation, which has resulted in the grade point average (GPA) model losing its value (Mansfield, 2001). Therefore, academic educational institutions are looking for alternative ways to provide an education that attracts students in a highly competitive world. Several US academic institutions have adopted the outcome based educational model to move away from the GPA driven model. Furthermore, accreditations organizations (such as North Central Association of Colleges and Schools) are requiring academic institutions to present a method to assess students’ learning outcomes, particularly in the general education courses.Read More