Title: Effect of Supplementation of Mulberry Hay with Sorghum Straw on Nutrient Utilisation and Growth in Crossbred Calves
Abstract:The average daily gains (ADG) were found to be 510.3 and 511.8 g/day, respectively on ration 1 and 2 and were non significant.The DM intake per kg live weight gain (kg) was 7.47 and 7.59 recorded with...The average daily gains (ADG) were found to be 510.3 and 511.8 g/day, respectively on ration 1 and 2 and were non significant.The DM intake per kg live weight gain (kg) was 7.47 and 7.59 recorded with ration 1 and 2, respectively.The voluntary daily feed intake (kg) of 3.25 and 3.43 per 100 kg body weight was observed with ration 1 and 2, respectively.Supplementation of mulberry hay as mixed fodder decreased the digestibilities of DM, OM, CF (P<0.01) and an increased digestibility of CP (P<0.05).No significant difference in the digestibilities of EE and NFE were observed among the two rations.Based on the results, this study revealed that mulberry hay was palatable, improved the nutrient utilization of straw rations and could be safely supplemented at 50% level, as leguminous component of the diet and feed cost can be reduced by saving 0.66 kg of concentrate per animal per day in growing crossbred calves.Read More