Title: A new mesopelagic larvacean, Mesochordaeus erythrocephalus, sp. nov., from Monterey Bay, with a description of its filtering house
Abstract:A new species in the genus <It>Mesochordaeus</it> is described from 25 specimens collected by a remotely operated vehicle at mesopelagic depths in Monterey Bay, California. <it>Mesochordaeus erythroce...A new species in the genus <It>Mesochordaeus</it> is described from 25 specimens collected by a remotely operated vehicle at mesopelagic depths in Monterey Bay, California. <it>Mesochordaeus erythrocephalus</it> is a large species (tail length up to 50 mm, trunk length up to 7 mm) characterized by large crescent-shaped spiracles, digitate lips, a bifurcate tail and bright red pigmentation of the digestive system. The filtering 'house' is large, 4-5 times the tail length of the animal, and its structure is most similar to that of another large mesopelagic larvacean, <it>Bathochordaeus</it>. This description confirms the distinctness of this recently erected genus, but raises questions as to its taxonomic affiliation.Read More