Title: Edema and Congestive Heart Failure from Thiazolidone Insulin Sensitizers—Excess Sodium Reabsoption in the Collecting Duct
Abstract:Thiazolidinediones Expand Body Fluid Volume through PPARγ Stimulation of ENaC-Mediated Renal Salt Absorption
Guan Y, Hao C, Cha DR, Rao R, Lu W, Kohan DE, Magnuson MA, Redha R, Zhang Y, Breyer MD. N...Thiazolidinediones Expand Body Fluid Volume through PPARγ Stimulation of ENaC-Mediated Renal Salt Absorption
Guan Y, Hao C, Cha DR, Rao R, Lu W, Kohan DE, Magnuson MA, Redha R, Zhang Y, Breyer MD. Nat Med 11: 861–867, 2005
Thiazolidones are peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor γ (PPARRead More