Title: Velimir Zivojinovic Massuka and German literature in the “Misao” magazine
Abstract:The aim of this study is to determine the importance of Velimir Zivojinovic Massuka?s role in presenting German literature in the ?Misao? magazine (published in Belgrade, 1919 through 1937). As a tran...The aim of this study is to determine the importance of Velimir Zivojinovic Massuka?s role in presenting German literature in the ?Misao? magazine (published in Belgrade, 1919 through 1937). As a translator, editor and critic Zivojinovic strongly influenced overall presentation of the German literature in the magazine. Research shows that all the translations of the works by German authors (Goethe, Heine, Rener, Evers) were published at the time when Zivojinovic was the editor of the magazine or a co-editor with Sima Pandurovic or Zivko Milicevic. In that period a large number of studies and other works on German literature was published as well, which significantly and fruitfully influenced the profile and the quality of the magazine, thus contributing to the strengthening of German-Serbian cultural ties after the First World War.Read More