Title: Scratch Hardness of Stone Models-Measuring Conditions
Abstract:This study investigated the effects of scratch load, scratch speed, and storage period of specimen on the scratch hardness of stone models. Types 4 and 5 stone specimens were made from vinyl silicone ...This study investigated the effects of scratch load, scratch speed, and storage period of specimen on the scratch hardness of stone models. Types 4 and 5 stone specimens were made from vinyl silicone rubber and alginate impressions respectively. After specimens were stored in a desiccator with silica gel at room temperature for 24 hours or 1 week, scratches were created on the surface with three different scratch loads (1N, 2N, and 3N) and two different scratch speeds (50 and 100mm/min). Then, the depths of scratches were measured.Scratch depth of stone specimens increased with increasing scratch load. Scratch depths of Type 4 stone specimens after 1-week storage were smaller than those after 24-hour storage at a speed of 100mm/min. However, the effect of scratch speed on scratch depth did not follow a specific trend.Read More