Title: Mecenazgo religioso y estrategias familiares en la Segovia del siglo XV: Diego Árias de Ávila y el Hospital de San Antonio
Abstract:The present work studies the foundation of Saint Anthony´s hospital of Segovia during the XVth century. The foundation was an initiative of Diego Arias de Avila, one of the most influential personalit...The present work studies the foundation of Saint Anthony´s hospital of Segovia during the XVth century. The foundation was an initiative of Diego Arias de Avila, one of the most influential personalities of the reign of Henry IV of Castila. The foundation was determined on very varied reasons, not only charitative and religious reasons. Among these reasons, the use of the hospital as an instrument of the family strategies. These family strategies tried to hidden the hebrew origins of the lineage. They also tried to guarantee the perennity of the lineage, and to leave an endurable memory behind. Lasdy, these family strategies tried to consolidate the domination that the lineage had on Segovia.Read More