Title: El romance en los documentos de la Catedral de Toledo (1171-1252): la escritura
Abstract:This article is part of a broader work that aims to accomplish a complete historical revision of Toledan Castilian. For this purpose, we started from the direct analysis of the rich and mostly unedite...This article is part of a broader work that aims to accomplish a complete historical revision of Toledan Castilian. For this purpose, we started from the direct analysis of the rich and mostly unedited document body of the Toledo Cathedral’s Archive and the Toledo City Hall’s Archive. As the language analysis cannot be done without considering first the multiple writing traditions present in the Toledan scene, we began examining the paleographic and graphic aspects of the documents. This study put in evidence the coexistence of very different traditions, which is in turn reflecting, without any doubt, on other analysis’ levels, from the phonetics to the lexic. We also traced the northern provenience of the Toledan writing habits, and their connections with the Castilian of Alfonso X, with surprising resultsRead More