Title: From Passenger to Driver: Creativity and Culture in Rural Communities
Abstract:This study examines the activities of an arts group in a small rural town in Australia through the lens of the Creative Industries paradigm. The aim of the study is to gain deeper understanding of the...This study examines the activities of an arts group in a small rural town in Australia through the lens of the Creative Industries paradigm. The aim of the study is to gain deeper understanding of the potential of arts activities to impact on a community. The study evaluates how future growth of the arts in such communities may be augmented by use of the paradigm supported by a branding approach based on creativity and innovation. The research uses in-depth interviews of volunteers and other key actors in a rural arts festival. Findings suggest that the Creative Industries paradigm provides a framework that supports and develops the work of community art in rural communities. The paradigm also supports the development of a branding strategy based on creativity and innovation.Read More