Title: Depletion of energy from naked singular regions during gravitational collapse
Abstract:A distinguishable and observable physical property of naked singular regions of the spacetime formed during a gravitational collapse has important implications for both experimental and theoretical re...A distinguishable and observable physical property of naked singular regions of the spacetime formed during a gravitational collapse has important implications for both experimental and theoretical relativity. We examine here whether energy can escape physically from naked singular regions to reach either a local or a distant observer within the framework of general relativity. We find that in the case of imploding null dust collapse outgoing singular null geodesics including the Cauchy horizon can be immersed between two Vaidya spacetimes as null boundary layers with nonvanishing positive energy density. Thus energy can be transported from the naked singularity to either a local or a distant observer. An example illustrating that similar considerations can be applied to dust models is given.Read More