Title: Creating Naked Singularities and Negative Energy
Abstract:A brief review is given of three recent results concerning classical solutions of gravitational theories: (1) With asymptotically anti de Sitter boundary conditions, there are matter theories satisfyi...A brief review is given of three recent results concerning classical solutions of gravitational theories: (1) With asymptotically anti de Sitter boundary conditions, there are matter theories satisfying the positive energy theorem which violate cosmic censorship. (2) Despite supersymmetry, there are solutions to N=8 supergravity in which the total gravitational energy is arbitrarily negative. This theory can also violate cosmic censorship. (3) A large class of supersymmetric compactifications (including all simply connected Calabi-Yau manifolds) have solutions with negative four dimensional effective energy density.Read More
Title: $Creating Naked Singularities and Negative Energy
Abstract: A brief review is given of three recent results concerning classical solutions of gravitational theories: (1) With asymptotically anti de Sitter boundary conditions, there are matter theories satisfying the positive energy theorem which violate cosmic censorship. (2) Despite supersymmetry, there are solutions to N=8 supergravity in which the total gravitational energy is arbitrarily negative. This theory can also violate cosmic censorship. (3) A large class of supersymmetric compactifications (including all simply connected Calabi-Yau manifolds) have solutions with negative four dimensional effective energy density.