Title: Sub-millijansky 1.4 GHz source counts and multicolor studies of weak radio galaxy populations
Abstract:view Abstract Citations (248) References (24) Co-Reads Similar Papers Volume Content Graphics Metrics Export Citation NASA/ADS Sub-millijansky 1.4 GHz source counts and multicolor studies of weak rado...view Abstract Citations (248) References (24) Co-Reads Similar Papers Volume Content Graphics Metrics Export Citation NASA/ADS Sub-millijansky 1.4 GHz source counts and multicolor studies of weak rado galaxy populations. Windhorst, R. A. ; Miley, G. K. ; Owen, F. N. ; Kron, R. G. ; Koo, D. C. Abstract A deep survey has been carried out with the VLA at 21 cm to a noise level of 45 μJy. The region chosen was the Leiden-Berkeley Deep Survey (LBDS) area Lynx.2, known to be devoid of radio sources stronger than 10 mJy. A catalog of 124 sources is presented, of which 93 form a sample complete to the 5 σ level. The normalized differential source counts show a flattening below 5 mJy. Optical data are used to probe the nature of the sub-millijansky radio source population. Deep identifications and calibrated photometry are made on prime-focus plates obtained in four bands with the Kitt Peak 4 m Mayall telescope. In the complete sample 41 radio sources are reliably identified. It is shown that for radio sources with 1 < S1.4 < 10 mJy a blue radio galaxy population becomes increasingly important; these often have a peculiar optical morphology indicative of interacting or merging galaxies. Below 1 mJy the VLA sources consist of some red galaxies, but the majority are faint blue galaxies mostly fainter than V ≈ 20. Publication: The Astrophysical Journal Pub Date: February 1985 DOI: 10.1086/162911 Bibcode: 1985ApJ...289..494W Keywords: Astronomical Catalogs; Astronomical Photometry; Extragalactic Radio Sources; Radiant Flux Density; Radio Galaxies; Centimeter Waves; Cosmology; Functions (Mathematics); Seyfert Galaxies; Spiral Galaxies; Visible Spectrum; Astrophysics full text sources ADS | data products NED (149)Read More