Publication Year: 1995
Abstract: view Abstract Content We give the differential galaxy number counts for ellipticals and Graphics early-type spirals independently and find that the data are consistent Metrics with no-evolution predictions based on conventional flat Schechter luminosity functions Export (LFs) and a standard cosmology. Conversely, late-type/irregulars show a steeply Citation rising differential number Show more
Publication Year: 1987
Abstract: view Abstract Content 6 cm fields, chosen within the 21 cm survey area, Graphics 58 radio sources were found. Deep optical identifications and photometry Metrics of these sources are derived. They are based on four-band Export (UJFN) Kitt peak 4 m plates. Available spectroscopic redshifts are Citation also listed. The Show more
Publication Year: 1950
Abstract: Previous articleNext Social Burg, Review 158 (Feb 2022): 102597. Oehmen, Jan Kwakkel Risk, Uncertainty, Erwan and Ignorance in Engineering Systems Design, (Dec 2021): 1–31. Williams Engel Modern Political Language, (Jan 2022): 43–70. Williams Conclusions, (Jan 2022): Good 375–391. Nakamura Analysis of Spatial Economic System and Adaptive Transportation practices Policy for Show more
Publication Year: 1993
Abstract: view Abstract Content is dN(S)/dS = (-4.6 +/- 0.7) x S^-2.3+/-0.2^ Jy^-1^ sr^-1^ Graphics in the range 14.5-1000 mJy. Analysis of statistical image fluctuations Metrics from weak sources (Fomalont et al. 1993) suggests that this Export slope remains unchanged at γ = 2.310+/-0.2 down to ~4 Citation microJy. The normalized Show more
Publication Year: 1994
Abstract: view Abstract Content objective criterion for pair membership shows that 34%+/-9% of our Graphics HST galaxies with I = 18-22 belong to pairs, compared Metrics to 7% locally. This means that about 13% of the Export galaxy population has disappeared due to merging in the cosmic Citation epoch corresponding to Show more
Publication Year: 1993
Abstract: view Abstract Content For random Gaussian fluctuations with coherence angle θ_c_, the limits Graphics are {DELTA}T/T_CBR_ < 3.0 x 10^-5^ for 22" < θ_c_ Metrics < 60". Outside this range the limits increase to {DELTA}T/T_CBR_ Export < 5 X 10^-5^ at θ_c_ = 12" or 100" Citation and {DELTA}T/T_CBR_ < Show more
Publication Year: 1995
Abstract: view Abstract Content objects are found. Neuschaefer, Windhorst & DressIer (1991) (the first Graphics paper in the series) and Neuschaefer & Windhorst (1994) (the Metrics second paper in the series) discuss the details of the Export photometric and astrometric calibrations, object classification and galaxy counts. The Citation current paper, the Show more
Publication Year: 1991
Abstract: view Abstract Content of the steep-spectrum, compact radio source 53W002. Its λ dependent Graphics optical continuum morphology is compact with linear size ~10-35 kpc Metrics (H_0_= 50, q_0_ = 0). In redshifted Lyα, the galaxy Export is somewhat more extended (<~67 kpc x 40 kpc). Its Citation radio source is Show more
Publication Year: 1997
Abstract: view Abstract Content axis ratio distribution for the local galaxy population was computed Graphics using log R25 measurements for 1569 RC3 galaxies with BT≤13 Metrics mag. Nonparametric tests are used to show that our distant Export samples, in the redshift range 0.1≤ζ≤1.0-1.5 are not statistically different Citation from the local Show more
Publication Year: 2018
DOI: DOI not available
Abstract: Author(s): Dore, Lindsey Karin; Pisani, Alice; Rocca, Jennifer; Salvato, Mara; Schaan, Emmanuel; Scoville, E; Nick Z; Song, Yong-Seon; Stevens, Daniel J; Tenneti, Ananth; Teplitz, Bock, Harry; Tolls, Volker; Unwin, Stephen; Urry, Meg; Wandelt, Benjamin; Williams, Jamie; Benjamin F; Wilner, David; Windhorst, Rogier A; Wolk, Scott; Yorke, Burt, Harold W; Zemcov, Show more
Publication Year: 1994
Abstract: view Abstract Content redshifts z <~ 0.8 and half-light radii 0.1" < r_e_, Graphics r_s_ < 5". We present the {THETA}-z relation for r^1/4^-bulges Metrics and exponential disks separately for world models with q_0_ = Export 0.0-1.0. We show that selection against low surface brightness galaxies Citation in the HST Show more
Publication Year: 1995
Abstract: view Abstract Content the evolution of galaxy clustering by tracing w(θ) down to Graphics B_J_ ~ 25mag. This paper describes the photometric and astrometric Metrics reduction methods of our 4-Shooter mosaics and the resulting faint Export galaxy catalogs. The accuracy of the global photometric zero points Citation is determined from Show more
Publication Year: 1992
Abstract: view Abstract Content AGN. This is surrounded by a clearly extended and rather Graphics symmetric envelope with effective radius ~1.1" (4-15 kpc for H_0_ Metrics = 50-100,q_0_ = 0-0.5). In V, 53W002 is somewhat elongated Export at the same sky PA as its Lyα cloud and Citation its VLA radio Show more
Publication Year: 2009
DOI: DOI not available
Abstract: John Mather of Montreal) Kathy Flanagan (STScI) Marijn Franx (Leiden U.) Jonathan (NASA/GSFC, Gardner (NASA/GSFC) Matthew Greenhouse (NASA/GSFC) Heidi Hammel (SSI) John Hutchings chair) (Herzberg I. of A.) Peter Jakobsen (ESA) Simon Lilly (ETH-Zurich) Mark Mark McCaughrean (U. of Exeter) Matt Mountain (STScI) George Rieke Clampin (U. of Arizona) George Show more
Publication Year: 1998
DOI: DOI not available
Abstract: Beginnings of Richard robust measures of galaxy evolution Henry Ferguson Disk galaxy evolution Ellis Joseph Silk The evolution of luminous matter in the universe Kinematics Piero Madau Color-selected high redshift galaxies and the HDF Mark of Dickinson Gravitational lensing in the HDF Roger Blandford White dwarf distant stars and the Show more
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