Title: Relationship between Global Solar Radiation and Sunshine Hour Duration for Bida in Nigeria
Abstract:The global solar radiation and sunshine hour duration measured over a period of thirteen years (2000 - 2012), were used to establish an Angstrom-type correlation equation (model) for estimating total ...The global solar radiation and sunshine hour duration measured over a period of thirteen years (2000 - 2012), were used to establish an Angstrom-type correlation equation (model) for estimating total solar radiation falling on a horizontal surface in Bida (lat. 9.1°N, long. 6.02°E). Six other existing correlations involving global solar radiation and sunshine duration were also used to estimate the global solar radiation for Bida and their results were compared with the model used in this paper. From the close agreement exhibited between the measured and estimated values, it was evident that this model showed better results than the existing models.Read More