Title: Estimating Angstrom-Prescott Coefficients for India and Developing a Correlation between Sunshine Hours and Global Solar Radiation for India
Abstract:The amount of solar energy that reaches the earth in one hour is sufficient to supply the world's energy needs for one year. Harvesting this energy efficiently is a huge challenge. In most countries i...The amount of solar energy that reaches the earth in one hour is sufficient to supply the world's energy needs for one year. Harvesting this energy efficiently is a huge challenge. In most countries including India, the number of observing stations is inadequate. Therefore, it is essential that some reliable mathematical models be developed to estimate the solar radiation for places where measurements are not carried out and for places where measurement records are not available. In this paper, Angstrom-Prescott model parameters are estimated for seven different sites in India, and a correlation is developed for India, which is found to be a good fit. Also a correlation is developed for predicting the solar radiation using only sunshine hour data.Read More