Title: Manhua: The Evolution of Hong Kong Cartoons and Comics
Abstract:Kong shares cultural vaiues and details with their readers.elements that cannot be found in Japanese manga.Hong Kong manhua is a cultural product and one of the 'important forms of popular culture as ...Kong shares cultural vaiues and details with their readers.elements that cannot be found in Japanese manga.Hong Kong manhua is a cultural product and one of the 'important forms of popular culture as are most cartoons and comics al11over the world.Manhua have very rich contents to study but discussion M manhua in Hong Kong is often limited to criticism focused on controversial elements such as their extensive use of foul language (Bolton and Hutton), and the pervasiveness of sexual and violent content within ihem (see Hong Kong Social Workers Association).Although several ~cholarly articles on Hong Kong manhua examine various controversial and descriptive elements within them, as yet no scholarly work has auempted to provide a general history of Hong Kong man-bua.The purpose of thi~ article is to capture the development of Hong Kong manhua and thus itrace the history of this important cultural prod-uc\ as well as to provide a general overview of the central themes and topics that have emerge/I in this genre of Hong Kong popular culture.By using the method of surveying the main titles from the past, it argues that Hong Kong comics have played an important role in Chinese manhua history, a role often neglected by scholars of Chinese popular cultural history and international comic history scholars (for example Hung, Liu-Jengyel, and Sabin, Adult Comics).To begin this survey, it first investigates the development of the term "nianhua" from its origins in China at the beginning of 20th century.Read More