Title: Memória e metapoesia em João Cabral de Melo Neto e Carlos de Oliveira
Abstract:In order to investigate the influence of memory on construction and formation of meaning in the poetry of João Cabral de Melo Neto and Carlos de Oliveira, based on studies about the art memory, we mad...In order to investigate the influence of memory on construction and formation of meaning in the poetry of João Cabral de Melo Neto and Carlos de Oliveira, based on studies about the art memory, we made a selection of texts whose paradigmatic referential anchors itself to fetch the images of childhood memories of poets.Starting from the benchmark regional imagery, we now investigate how poetry evolves from this reference to the metapoetry, starting to use images of density and stoicism, redeemed by memory, as terms of comparison to the rigorous and arduous process of composition poem, which reaches its maximum clearance works in Education by stone and Microlandscape, de Melo Neto and Oliveira, respectively.Poetry criticism exercised rationally creates a poetics which theorizes itself, reflecting on their means of construction.After these works that implemented the workshop experience, gradually give way to such comparisons constructions indicative, since it had already achieved the dominance relations between words and things.Convinced that the word is the material that builds the poem, no longer feel the need to explain, going to practice the construction of the poem as an element of material reality.Read More