Title: Dalby Söderskog : den historiska utvecklingen
Abstract:The climate of the world is changing. The levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere are rising
because of human activities. Carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas that makes the temperature rise.
Besid...The climate of the world is changing. The levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere are rising
because of human activities. Carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas that makes the temperature rise.
Besides the temperature and carbon dioxide rise, also the amount of precipitation is changing in
the world. These big changes mostly affect the nature negatively and possible also the forest. A
long term study could make it possible to separate natural changes from changes caused by the
climate differences. Field studies, the simulation model LPJ GUESS and comparisons with old
data are tools that make the research possible. Dalby Soderskog is the ultimate forest for this kind
of research because of its untouched nature since 100 years back, when it became a national park.
There have also been a lot of studies made in this area, which makes it possible to compare new
field measurements with old data. Oak (Quercus robur) that used to be a dominant tree in the
forest has declined in the last hundred years and is almost extinct today. Elm (Ulmus glabra)
has been affected by the Dutch elm diseases and a lot of trees are dying or are already dead,
which has made it possible for beech (Fagus silvatica) to dominate the forest. It is hard to tell
if climate change has any impact on the forest.Read More
Publication Year: 2010
Publication Date: 2010-01-01
Language: en
Type: article
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Cited By Count: 8
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