Title: New M-theory Backgrounds with Frozen Moduli
Abstract:We propose examples, which involve orbifolds by elements of the U-duality group, with M-theory moduli fixed at the eleven-dimensional Planck scale. We begin by reviewing asymmetric orbifold constructi...We propose examples, which involve orbifolds by elements of the U-duality group, with M-theory moduli fixed at the eleven-dimensional Planck scale. We begin by reviewing asymmetric orbifold constructions in perturbative string theory, which fix radial moduli at the string scale. Then we consider non-perturbative aspects of those backgrounds (brane probes and the orbifold action from the eleven-dimensional point of view). This leads us to consider mutually non-perturbative group actions. Using a combination of dualities, matrix theory, and ideas for the generalization of the perturbative orbifold prescription, we present evidence that the examples we construct are consistent M-theory backgrounds. In particular we argue that there should be consistent non-supersymmetric compactifications of M-theory.Read More