Title: Multiple anomalous U(1)s in heterotic blow-ups
Abstract:The existence of multiple anomalous U(1)s is demonstrated explicitly in a blow-up version of a heterotic Z3 orbifold. Another blow-up of the same orbifold supports further evidence for the type I/hete...The existence of multiple anomalous U(1)s is demonstrated explicitly in a blow-up version of a heterotic Z3 orbifold. Another blow-up of the same orbifold supports further evidence for the type I/heterotic duality in four dimensions. It has a single anomalous U(1) which does not factorize universally. As multiple anomalous U(1)s as well as non-universal factorization have never been established on heterotic orbifolds explicitly, these findings might appear contradictory at first sight. Possible inconsistencies are avoided by reinterpreting a charged twisted state as a second non-universal localized axion. The mismatch between the charges of the orbifold and blow-up spectra is resolved by suitable field redefinitions. The anomaly of the field redefinitions corresponds to the difference of blow-up and heterotic orbifold anomalies.Read More