Title: Education and technology: between discourse and praxis
Abstract:This article presents a reflection on the integration of technology into everyday school life. Some Proinfo results are analyzed relating them to their initial goals and to the current national and in...This article presents a reflection on the integration of technology into everyday school life. Some Proinfo results are analyzed relating them to their initial goals and to the current national and international levels of quality of education. The analysis of the contents reveals that the investment in technology for Basic Education in the country has not ensured the much-vaunted quality to the Brazilian Education. The conclusion points out to the importance of the role of the teacher, the teaching career in all its aspects, as well as a number of other factors that may contribute to the effective integration of ICT in pedagogical practice. The considerations described in this article are part of the research on Evaluation of Continuing Education in Virtual Learning Environments, developed in the discipline of Practice Evaluation in Professional Assessment Masters Program of Cesgranrio Foundation. The considerations presented are based on desk studies and records of the school routine.Read More