Title: The Use Of New Media Technologies And Dialogue Education In Doctoral Programs
Abstract:The paper focuses attention on the study and application of the dialogical model of education within the system of higher education, which has been discussed by specialists for a certain length of tim...The paper focuses attention on the study and application of the dialogical model of education within the system of higher education, which has been discussed by specialists for a certain length of time. This concerned, above all, the bachelors’ and masters’ levels of education. Doctoral education, which until recently was listed as a postgraduate stage of education, was not included. However, in practice, with an increase in the level of education, feedback from students and dialogue delivery of educational material becomes more effective and valuable. Young researchers require a different approach than younger students. A mutual evaluation of the educational materials, conducting classes in the form of talks and discussions appeal to them. Therefore, today there is an urgent need to consider new models of education in higher education at the postgraduate level. In the framework of this paper, the possibility of introducing and implementing a dialogue model of education in postgraduate programs for the training of research personnel is being considered. The article outlines the possible ways of its implementation, described in the works of Western researchers. In addition, the very concept of dialogue learning is revealed, and its features are explored. Comparative analysis of approaches to dialogue education in Western and Russian educational institutions for the training of research personnel is given, primarily in the scientific and pedagogical field. Successful implementation of this new approach is facilitated by new media technologies that have been introduced to universities together with the computerization of the educational process.Read More