Publication Year: 2010
Abstract: Introduction Bjorn Bjorn G. Richels, Richard S. J. Tol and Geoffrey J. Blanford Larsen, 5.1. Alternative perspective Chris Green 5.2. Alternative perspective Anil Markandya Guy 6. Malnutrition and hunger Sue Horton, Harald Alderman and Juan Hutton A. Rivera 6.1. Alternative perspective Reynaldo Martorell 6.2. Alternative perspective and Anil B. Deolalikar Show more
Publication Year: 2013
DOI: DOI not available
Abstract: Introduction Bjorn J. Tol Technology-led mitigation Isabel Galiana and Christopher Green Climate-engineering R&D Paul J. Eric Bickel and Lee Lane Climate-change adaptation Francesco Bosello, Dunne Carlo Carraro and Enrica De Cian 4.1 Alternative perspective Samuel 1.1 Fankhauser 4.2 Alternative perspective Anil Markandya 5. Education: the case Alternative for improving school Show more
Publication Year: 1976
Abstract: Previous articleNext Model Journal A Quantitative Theory of Information, Worker Flows, and Wage Dispersion, of American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics 10, no.22 (Apr 2018): 154–183. N. Political Lekfuangfu, Nattavudh Powdthavee, Nele Warrinnier, Francesca Cornaglia Locus of Control Economy and its Intergenerational Implications for Early Childhood Skill Formation, The Macroeconomics Economic Journal Show more
Publication Year: 1987
Abstract: Previous articleNext the in and Finance 18, no.11 (Aug 2017): 31–65. Congregado, Antonio A. Pakistan, Golpe, Vicente Esteve On the Substitutability between Paid-employment and Self-employment: Journal Evidence from the Period 1969–2014 in the United States, Sustainability of 11, no.22 (Jan 2019): 507. Kumar Sudan Tapping Rural Women Innovation Entrepreneurship Through Show more
Publication Year: 1972
Abstract: Previous articleNext Quit Your maîtriser, La Revue de l'Ires n° 72, no.11 (Mar 2012): Wage?, 91–114. A. Matsa, Amalia R. Miller Workforce Reductions at Women-Owned American Businesses in the United States, SSRN Electronic Journal (Jan 2012). Economic Bergmann, Antje Mertens Job Stability Trends, Lay-offs, and Transitions to Review Unemployment in Show more
Publication Year: 1967
Abstract: Previous articleNext the Pozo-Rubio, (Mar 2022). Glawe, Helmut Wagner Is schooling the same as Marta learning? – The impact of the learning-adjusted years of schooling Ortega-Ortega on growth in a dynamic panel data framework, World Development Sociodemographic 151 (Mar 2022): 105773.érôme Adda, Christian Dustmann, Joseph-Simon Görlach The and Dynamics of Show more
Publication Year: 1976
Abstract: Previous articleNext FamilyChild the Studies 86 (Oct 2021): 1–18. Deng, Mingzhe Yu Does the following marginal child increase household debt? – Evidence from the new articles fertility policy in China, International Review of Financial Analysis 77 citing (Oct 2021): 101870. Zhou, Nan Jia, Tianchi Yang The quantity–quality this trade-off related Show more
Publication Year: 2004
Abstract: Previous articleNext W. Didier Physical Growth and Cognitive Development among Indian Children in Early Koumavi Childhood: A Multivariate Multilevel Analysis, International Journal of Environmental Research Kouevi and Public Health 17, no.11 (Dec 2019): 182. Deng, Miao Impacts Zeng, Dingde Xu, Feng Wei, Yanbin Qi Household Health and of Cropland Abandonment Show more
Publication Year: 1969
Abstract: Previous articleNext Choice Liberty, Coasian and modern property rights economics, Journal of Institutional Economics Negative 11, no.22 (Sep 2014): 391–411. A Hensher Using contracted assets Liberty, to undertake non-contracted services as a way to improve cost and efficiency under negotiated or tendered bus contracts, Journal of Strategic Marketing Contracting and Show more
Publication Year: 1974
Abstract: Previous articleNext of Jye-Shyan 2008): 131–142. Todd Jewell, Robert W. Brown, Scott E. Miles Wang, Measuring discrimination in major league baseball: evidence from the baseball Muhammad hall of fame, Applied Economics 34, no.22 (Jan 2002): 167–177. Fareed Bibliography, (Jan 2010). M Kahn The Sports Business as a The Labor Market Show more
Publication Year: 1997
Abstract: Previous studies vitroproliferation of of tumors are commonly observed. It is becoming increasingly clear RA that variations in metabolic rates of retinoids may be involved metabolism, in the differences in retinoid response. Interindividual variation in the whereas pharmacokinetics of retinoids has been reported for several malignancies, and RA-resistant a recent Show more
Publication Year: 1976
Abstract: Previous articleNext of Evidence pays en développement, Travail et emploi , no.142142 (Apr 2015): from 41–54. Meer, Jeremy West Effects of the Minimum Wage on Germany, Employment Dynamics, SSRN Electronic Journal (Jan 2015). Alberto Groisman Social Economic Protection to the Informal Sector: The Role of Minimum Wage and and Income Show more
Publication Year: 2017
Abstract: Contents: Part Full and Aggregated Data: The impact of policies and land characteristics Private on potential groundwater pollution in Wisconsin, JunJie Wu and Kathleen or Segerson Responsiveness of rural and urban land uses to land Public rent determinants in the U.S. South, Ian Hardie, Peter Parks, Ownership: Peter Gottlieb and Show more
Publication Year: 2001
Abstract: Letters6 February B. effects … sudden death, myocardial infarction, and arrhythmia, among others.” Glasser, This statement appears to be based on a misinterpretation of PhDRichard reports of spontaneous adverse events (such as the U.S. Food L. and Drug Administration's MedWatch system).The sildenafil clinical trial database now Siegel, includes 36 double-blind, Show more
Publication Year: 1958
Abstract: Previous articleNext J. management. Result of a Strong Systemic Commitment, (Feb 2021): 17–30. Kalaitzoglou, Does Hui Pan, Jacek Niklewski Corporate social responsibility: How much is firm enough? A higher dimension perspective of the relationship between financial size and social performance, Annals of Operations Research 18 (Dec 2020). matter?, Damien Ntihinyurwa, Show more
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