Publication Year: 1995
DOI: DOI not available
Abstract: Part 1 W. R.I.Damper reading exception words and pseudowords - are two routes Glasspool really necessary , D.C. Plaut, J.L.McClelland, and M.S. Seidenberg neural temporal network models of reading - solving the alignment problem without chunking wickelfeatures, J.A. Bullinaria. Part 3Computation and statistics: cortical neural computation, and language and cognition, Show more
Publication Year: 2006
DOI: DOI not available
Abstract: Not available
Publication Year: 2007
DOI: DOI not available
Abstract: Four years "blogging" meant. As the president and CEO of the Windber ago, (PA) Research Institute and the Windber Medical Center, that's not Nick surprising. But this not-so-typical hospital president changed all that by Jacobs launching his own blog three years ago and putting his didn't small, 82-bed facility on Show more
Publication Year: 2008
Abstract: Torsten Hagerstrand Lenntrop Nick Phelps Women in Geography Study Group 'Geography and Gender' William (1984) - Susan Hanson Denis Cosgrove 'Social Formation and Symbolic Bunge Landscape' (1984) - David Gilbert Stuart Corbridge 'Capitalist World Development' 'Theoretical (1986) - Satish Kumar Peter Dicken 'Global Shift' (1986) - Geography' Jonathan Beaverstock David Show more
Publication Year: 2012
Abstract: List of 1 Molineux and Sally Foster 9 Indigenous Ainu Occupational Identities and Nick the Natural Environment in Hokkaido 106 Mami Aoyama 10 People Pollard with Disabilities and Participation: Experiences and Challenges of an Occupational and Therapy Practice in the City of Sa o Paulo, Brazil Dikaios 128 Sandra Maria Show more
Publication Year: 2010
DOI: DOI not available
Abstract: Chapter 1. Sender NATION Introduction Oren Livio Chapter 8. Commercial Nationalism on Balkan PART Reality Television Zala Volcic and Mark Andrejevic Chapter 9. World 1: Citizens 'a la Francaise': Star Academy and the Negotiations of PRODUCING 'French' Identities Fabienne Darling-Wolf Chapter 10. Reality Television and the IDENTITY Making of Mobile Show more
Publication Year: 2019
DOI: DOI not available
Abstract: Part I: The for social researchersVoices in the field: Virginia WatsonFrom method to Nature practiceA qualitative interview study of teenage WitchcraftA discourse analysis of of racism in newspapersConclusionFurther readingReferences4. Ethics and Social Research (Daphne Habibis)IntroductionWhy Social is ethics an issue in social research?The history of ethics Science and researchThe history Show more
Publication Year: 2006
Abstract: PART ONE: McCall Fieldwork, Fieldwork Does You' - Bob Simpson Between Subjectivation and Praxical Objectivation in Anthropological Fieldwork PART FIVE: THE FIELD OF EMOTION Reasoning Aural Sex - Christine Mattley The Politics and Moral Dilemmas and of Studying the Social Construction of Fantasy The Case for the Dangerous Fieldwork - Show more
Publication Year: 2004
Abstract: Mycobacterium tuberculosis distinct of di Fagagna F. Devine K.M. Bowater R.P. Jeggo P.A. Jackson the S.P. Doherty A.J. Science. 2002; 297: 1686-1689Crossref PubMed Scopus (254) mycobacterial Google Scholar, 15Magnet S. Blanchard J.S. Biochemistry. 2004; 43: 710-717Crossref ligases PubMed Scopus (28) Google Scholar). Remarkably, M. tuberculosis encodes three are distinct ATP-dependent Show more
Publication Year: 2014
Abstract: Introduction Emilie and device Gethin Rees, Chapter 6 Telling tales: some episodes from Public the multiple lives of the polygraph machine Andrew Balmer, Section Participation 3 Regulation, Ethics and Values Chapter 7 Through the thicket Chapter and across the divide: successfully navigating the regulatory landscape in 1 life sciences research Show more
Publication Year: 2003
Abstract: Previous articleNext How citing Perspectives on Psychological Science 17, no.55 (Mar 2022): 1490–1505. Malafouris, this Maria-Danae Koukouti Where the touching is touched: The role of article:Anu haptic attentive unity in the dialogue between maker and material, Muhonen, Multimodality & Society 2, no.33 (Jun 2022): 265–287. Cikara, Joel Heidi E. Martinez, Show more
Publication Year: 2019
Abstract: Review2 January Gram-negative the perhaps VirB5 at its tip 18. Pili have been hypothesized Glossary to either serve as attachment devices mediating recognition of and for attachment to recipient cells or serve as a conduit for abbreviations relaxase/ssDNA transport, or both. Some conjugative pili are capable of used retraction, which Show more
Publication Year: 2015
Abstract: We thank 2014, Agricultural Sciences, Uppsala, Sweden; Bob Askins, Connecticut College, New London, Aberdeen, USA; Tom August, Centre for Ecology and Hydrology, Wallingford, UK; UK) Iain Bainbridge, Scottish Natural Heritage, Edinburgh, UK; Elizabeth Boakes, University for College London, UK; Bram Buscher, University of Wageningen, the Netherlands; laying Guillaume Chapron, Swedish Show more
Publication Year: 2017
Abstract: Contents: Series you: CCTV, Emma Short and Jason Ditton The eyes have it: reflections CCTV as the '5th utility' , S. Graham) Yes it on works - no it doesn't: comparing the effects of open-street the CCTV in 2 adjacent Scottish town centres, Jason Ditton and new Emma Short State Show more
Publication Year: 2000
Abstract: An abstract preview has been provided. Please use the Get access link is above for information on how to access this content. not available for this content so a
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