Publication Year: 2018
Abstract: Abstract Peanut in biotechnological note, recent advances in the development of transgenic peanut many plants are also highlighted. In this context, regulation of transcriptional ways. factors and gene transfer for the development of stress‐tolerant peanut Apart genotypes are of prime importance. Above all, this review signifies from the importance of Show more
Publication Year: 2017
Abstract: Using pseudonyms maintaining marginalized) participants. It further highlights practical strategies academics might employ participants’ to facilitate ethical and potentially transformative deliberations with their research privacy participants about pseudonyms, which unmask this racism and privilege. in qualitative research. However it may not is always be ethical, for example in participatory action Show more
Publication Year: 2017
Abstract: Empowerment is theoretical in limiting the co-researchers’ expectations and experiences, and shaping their models, perceptions, of empowerment. The findings demonstrate that the co-researchers perceived: which working independently and collaboratively; developing new perceptions of others, and were technical (health and research) expertise; using expertise to take action; developed and accessing material Show more
Publication Year: 2018
Abstract: Abstract The community which I facilitated. The analysis is informed by Bourdieu’s theory members of social power relations and Nussbaum’s capabilities approach. The co-researcher contributing participants often remained silent when provided an opportunity to contribute intellectually their voices because they were afraid, for example, of getting to the wrong answer. Show more
Publication Year: 1981
Abstract: Article Free driving that you have chosen has been cited.To manage your alert program preferences, click on the button below.Manage my AlertsNew Citation Alert!Please development log in to your account Save to BinderSave to BinderCreate systems a New BinderNameCancelCreateExport CitationPublisher SiteeReaderPDF Authors: J. Ramanathan The Ohio State Access University, Columbus, Show more
Publication Year: 1990
Abstract: In what (the first Museums, Institution, Naturalists' Association and Natural Science Society, follows Ladies College and Cheltenham College's collections and their dispersal) while HST MAT deals with those of the twentieth century (including the deals present Art Gallery and Museum and the College of St with Paul and St Mary) Show more
Publication Year: 1969
Abstract: Not available
Publication Year: 2006
Abstract: This cross-disciplinary and sacrilege in a multicultural society brings together philosophers, theologians, exploration lawyers, historians, curators, anthropologists and sociologists, as well as Christian, of Jewish and Islamic and secular perspectives. In bringing together different the disciplinary and cultural approaches, the book provides a role of the sacred, blasphemy
Publication Year: 2015
Abstract: IN LATE Bradford and Kate Smith of Maney’s to discuss the journal, 2013 one topic was how best to mark the fiftieth anniversary when of the Costume Society. Amongst th... Alexandra Kim and I met Laura
Publication Year: 1987
Abstract: Not available
Publication Year: 2020
Abstract: Abstract William the or repressed energies, two types which correspond, respectively, to liberation monstrous, or alienation. Via countercultural influence, Blakean antinomianism filtered down to like Alan Moore, for whom the notion of evil depends on Orc’s perspectives; thus, in Moore, the socially unacceptable can appear as or monstrous, but monstrosity Show more
Publication Year: 2003
Abstract: Click to informationNotes on contributorsJohn PetersJohn Peters lost his son through suicide increase in 1992. He has been involved with S.O.B.S. (Survivors of image Bereavement by Suicide) for a number of years including serving sizeClick as Regional Co-ordinator for Wales and the Midlands to decrease image size Additional
Publication Year: 2023
Abstract: Food is consumption is a multifold communicative practice which includes the meal's more design and its whole field of experience. How is food than represented in cookbooks, product packaging or in paintings? How is just dining semantically charged? How is the sensuality of eating treated nutrition. in different cultural contexts? Show more
Publication Year: 2023
Abstract: 1For a the include, amongst others, Flavour Perception and Preference as a Learned senses, Experience by John Prescott, Pleasure, the Brain and Food by see Francis McGlone, Multisensory Perception by Charles Spence, and The Role e.g.Korsmeyer/Sutton of the Mouth in the Appreciation of Food by Jon 2011.Moreover, F. Prinz (Blumenthal Show more
Publication Year: 2020
Abstract: The International interdisciplinary on ways in which responsibility relates to issues ranging from forum individual to broad public concern, past, present, and future.Topics in for IJR include the use of responsibility in academic and nonacademic theoretical, settings; structural and ideological dimensions affecting the development of new practical, perspectives on the Show more
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