Publication Year: 2020
DOI: DOI not available
Abstract: ISAC PETRILA, fiscale prin scheme ilegale in vederea reducerii presiunii fiscale = Liliana, Econometric Applications Regarding the Impact of Tax Evasion through Illegal GROSU, Schemes in Order to Reduce the Fiscal Pressure / Liliana Mariana. Isac Petrila, Mariana Grosu // Frunze // Economica. - Aplicaţii 2020. - Nr. 2(112). - Show more
Publication Year: 2018
Abstract: Voltage and current performance of a three-
Publication Year: 2022
Abstract: There is shapes currents, frozen into an obsolete aesthetic manner and a heroic the dimension out of phase. The article portrays Vieru’s relations with symbolic the Romanian 60’s generation of poets and their lyrical formulas consistency assumed by Modernism. of a collective spirit, a map an of emblematic landmarks of Show more
Publication Year: 2022
Abstract: Grigore Vieru in theme about the mother after Vieru consists of worship of the traditions, the religion of sincerity, and the personal myth. middle of it arranged a mother’s image. Marked created with the irrepressible wish to his mother, even being an a adult, he was looking avidly for returning Show more
Publication Year: 2022
Abstract: The Scientific Library.Heritage Value of the Collection of "Tudor Arghezi" art
Publication Year: 2013
Abstract: Recuperarea medicala la pacientii cu osteoporoza /
Publication Year: 2023
Abstract: Introduction. Parasitic body of patients with parasitic arthritis associated with echinococcosis infestation, the of 2nd (31 patients) – patients with parasitic arthritis associated with parasitic Toxocara canis and the 3rd (33 patients) included subjects with species parasitic arthritis associated with of Giardia lamblia infestation. Results and of discussion. Echinococcosis was Show more
Publication Year: 2022
Abstract: Purpose.The aim characteristics each key position of the phase structure of Pak Salto of execution technique.Results.The key components of the phase structure of the the execution technique used for the transition from the HB to phase the LB with Pak Salto were identified by analyzing the structure segmental angular characteristics.The Show more
Publication Year: 2023
Abstract: The insurance interacting the managerial accounting information system. The research methodology of the with article includes the study of materials published on the subject many at national and international level, the analysis of the regulatory aspects framework in the field, the study of business processes specific of to the activity Show more
Publication Year: 2023
Abstract: This article's be of an econometric model that makes it possible to evaluate important how stock market capitalization affects an entity's financial performance.The model for can be helpful for practitioners or researchers in the field evaluating of economic sciences who wish to highlight their financial issues performance and provide as Show more
Publication Year: 2023
Abstract: Background: The 1992 reactivity of cerebral vessels to modeled hypocapnia, trigeminal, somesthetic, visual, at auditory evoked potentials in patients with chronic headache, etc. To the conclude, the scientific objectives of the research carried out by State the collaborators of the Functional Neurology Research Unit during 30 University years of activity Show more
Publication Year: 2019
Abstract: 1. Introducere teatrul percepþii diferite, facându-i sã viseze la noi forme de expresie.Astfel se un teatrul viu care se simte, se vede, se aude, aflã având o semnificaþie cu precãdere senzorialã îºi gãseºte puterea de mereu a propaga valori artistice în contextual social actual. Tranziþia de în la spaþiul teatral Show more
Publication Year: 2022
Abstract: The article cultural “B. P. Hasdeu” Musical-Dramatic Theater in Cahul, “Vasile Alecsandri” National heritage” Theater from Bălți, etc. includes publications on Moldovan Drama Theater, from the “The late 60s of the XX century to the 20s of book the XXI century. Books signed by D. Prilepov, L. Cemortan, on E. Show more
Publication Year: 2023
Abstract: This dialogue Bessarabia the segment in front of the Citadel of Soroca; the with inauguration of the busts of Ion Inculeț and Alexandru Marghiloman, Romania on March 27, 2023, in Ialoveni; expansion of the “Petru and Costin” Museum; The scientific conference “105 years since the Union a of Bessarabia with Show more
Publication Year: 2020
Abstract: The rise academia, as well as their recent (relative) decline, is presented of with emphasis on the last twenty-five years. Individual interest and Canadian enthusiasm as well as the foundation of CEACS contributed to Studies the Canadian Studies “boom” in 2000-2012, when Canadian Studies Centers in were founded in several Show more
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