Title: The book on theater – an element of cultural heritage
Abstract:The article “The book on theater – an element of cultural heritage” includes publications on Moldovan Drama Theater, from the late 60s of the XX century to the 20s of the XXI century. Books signed by ...The article “The book on theater – an element of cultural heritage” includes publications on Moldovan Drama Theater, from the late 60s of the XX century to the 20s of the XXI century. Books signed by D. Prilepov, L. Cemortan, E. Coroliova, N. Bătrânu, V. Tăzlăuanu, N. Rojkovskaia, B. Zavatin, P. Proca, P. Pelin, A. Manoil, A. Ghilaș, A. Roșca, I. Nechit, L. Ungureanu, V. Fedorenco, T. Kotovici and others analyze the evolution processes of the Moldovan theater during the decades, of personalities – directors, actors, who worked in the theaters of the republic “Mihai Eminescu” National Theater, “Luceafărul” Theater, “B. P. Hasdeu” Musical-Dramatic Theater in Cahul, “Vasile Alecsandri” National Theater from Bălți, etc.Read More