Publication Year: 2009
Abstract: Academia and and Università revised 11 times. The group approved the checklist, flow diagram, di and this summary paper.Although no direct evidence was found to Modena support retaining or adding some items, evidence from other domains e was believed to be relevant. For example, Item 5 asks Reggio authors to Show more
Publication Year: 2021
Abstract: Daniel E. Shivani M. Reddy, MD, MSc; Max Nagle, MD, MPH; Stephen Jonas, D. Clark, MD, MPH; Rachel Palmieri Weber, PhD; Chineme Enyioha, MD, MD, MPH; Teri L. Malo, PhD, MPH; Alison T. Brenner, MPH; PhD, MPH; Charli Armstrong, BA; Manny Coker-Schwimmer, MPH; Jennifer Cook Daniel Middleton, PhD; Christiane Voisin, Show more
Publication Year: 2018
Abstract: Cynthia Feltner, Christine E. Kistler, MD, MASc; Jennifer Cook Middleton, PhD; Collen MD, Barclay, MPH; Laura Higginbotham, MD, MPH; Joshua T. Green, BA; MPH; Daniel E. Jonas, MD, MPH Ina Wallace, PhD; Nancy Berkman, PhD;
Publication Year: 1993
Abstract: Previous articleNext Chodorow, International migration and household living arrangements among transnational families in Familism, Brazil, Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 47, no.1919 (Dec and 2019): 4386–4404. Díaz de Sabatés, Kay Ann Taylor The role Psychoanalytic of Latinx fathers in their daughters’ college success: Shifting cultural Sociology paradigms?, Journal of Show more
Publication Year: 1984
Abstract: Previous articleNext Between review, Progress Series 651 (Oct 2020): 199–213. R. Torsekar, Maria Thaker Precision Mate-searching context of prey influences the predator–prey space race, Proceedings Agriculture of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 287, no.19351935 (Sep 23, 2020): 20201462. E. Wilkinson, Alex McInturff, Jennifer R. B. Miller, no.55 Veronica Yovovich, Show more
Publication Year: 2008
Abstract: Not available
Publication Year: 1996
Abstract: Previous articleNext Community citing Multiple Sclerosis, Life 11, no.11 (Jan 2021): 55. Graeff, Nicolas this Maranzana, Améziane Aoussat Biological Practices and Fields, Missing Pieces of article:Anne the Biomimetics’ Methodological Puzzle, Biomimetics 5, no.44 (Nov 2020): 62. Strack, Khazan, Jelena Bujan, Brett R. Scheffers Patterns of ant activity Lukas and nesting Show more
Publication Year: 1976
Abstract: Previous articleNext Charnov, bird, E. Visser, Albert Phillimore Comparing two measures of phenological synchrony Circus in a predator–prey interaction: Simpler works better, Journal of Animal hudsonius, Ecology 89, no.33 (Dec 2019): 745–756. Parker, Yurena Yanes, Eduardo Journal Mesa Hernández, Juan Carlos Hernández Marrero, Jorge Pais, Nora Soto of Contreras, Donna Show more
Publication Year: 1978
Abstract: Previous articleNext Biological to cottontail Sylvilagus floridanus, in urban landscapes, Behaviour 158, no.55 (Feb respond 2021): 377–395. S. Miller, Cody B. Scott Using different preconditioning and procedures and protein supplementation to increase redberry juniper intake by adapt goats, Rangeland Ecology & Management 74 (Jan 2021): 92–95. H. to Schmitt, Adrian Show more
Publication Year: 2000
Abstract: Interests and variables benefits of externally triggered situational interest, extrinsic motivation, and performance that goals. Only by dealing with the multidimensional nature of motivational impact forces will we be able to help our academically unmotivated individuals' children. academic performances, yet little is known goals about how best to utilize these Show more
Publication Year: 2005
Abstract: Abstract With misuse compared the discriminating power of the four types of features of and of three classification techniques: decision trees, backpropagation neural networks, online and support vector machines. The experimental results showed that the messages proposed approach was able to identify authors of online messages for with satisfactory accuracy Show more
Publication Year: 2003
Abstract: Previous articleNext in 47408‐3799, flood risk management and challenges for the further development of U.S.A. this approach, Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change 23, ([email no.77 (Dec 2017): 1083–1108. G. Tidball, Sara Metcalf, Mark Bain, protected])/Department Thomas Elmqvist Community-led reforestation: cultivating the potential of virtuous cycles of to confer Show more
Publication Year: 2009
Abstract: Previous articleNext Nathan of Ancient Mesoamerica 26, no.22 (Dec 2015): 407–421. S. Langlie, Natalie the G. Mueller, Robert N. Spengler, Gayle J. Fritz Agricultural origins Royal from the ground up: Archaeological approaches to plant domestication, American Society Journal of Botany 101, no.1010 (Oct 2014): 1601–1617. Q Fuller, B: Tim Denham, Show more
Publication Year: 2015
Abstract: Not available
Publication Year: 1966
Abstract: Previous articleNext of Garg Economic and Social Implications of Regulating Alcohol Availability in Packaged-Liquor Grocery Stores, Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy 35, no.44 (Jul RetailingJulian 2013): 613–633. Siegel, William DeJong, Alison B. Albers, Timothy S. L. Naimi, David H. Jernigan Differences in liquor prices between control SimonJulian state-operated and license-state Show more
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