Publication Year: 2008
Abstract: One of was desire and a key player in the fierce battles about pantomime education and culture that raged in the ancient world. A dancing, close reading of primary sources, judiciously interlaced with a wealth a of interdisciplinary perspectives, makes this challenging book essential for anyone ballet-style interested in the Show more
Publication Year: 2012
Abstract: This volume political and South Italian theater in the work of Athenian philosophers scientists, and playwrights. Together, the essays explore central problems in the and study of western Greek theater. By gathering a number of historians different perspectives and methods, this volume offers the first wide-ranging to examination of this Show more
Publication Year: 1998
Abstract: Is there study, Virtually untapped mythological as well as legal sources are also Bernard used. The dialectics inherent in Mahvyvna Buddhism, in particular in Faure the Tantric and Chan/Zen traditions, seemed to allow for greater reveals laxity and even encouraged breaking of taboos. Faure also offers Buddhism's a history of Show more
Publication Year: 2010
DOI: DOI not available
Abstract: The orientation sources with specific examples from both traditions (§8-13). This will be for followed by sections on the activation and manipulation of “identities” each from the level of cultural figures to textual and extra-textual narrative entities (§14-16) followed by relationships of traditions to individuals and tradition social groups who Show more
Publication Year: 2019
Abstract: Not available
Publication Year: 1998
Abstract: Description was of the ancient world as Mela and the Romans perceived last it.Frank Romer's introduction assesses Mela as a literary and geographic translated writer, while his translation matches Mela's style. Mela knows of into the Chinese and reports geographical and cultural information about Sri English Lanka and India, as Show more
Publication Year: 2016
Abstract: <p><span style="font-family: Great understood.</span></p> Historian: Annals of the First Emperor of Qin</em>, an Times essential historical narrative at the dawning of Chinese civilization, as New a case to illustrate the causality of historical incidents and Roman;">This the underlying mythological concepts, reveal the underlying mythological concepts that paper dominate the ritual Show more
Publication Year: 1997
DOI: DOI not available
Abstract: Because homoerotic Gilbert Herdt provides provocative new insights in our understanding of gay Herdt and lesbians lives. Accurate in both its scientific conceptions and argues wealth of cultural and historical material, examples range from the that ancient Greeks and feudal China and Japan to the developing we countries of Africa, Show more
Publication Year: 1997
Abstract: This article Salamis versions of mythological events and portraits of mythological heroes are from very different. The archaeological evidence includes inscriptions, vases, and graves; Megara with one possible exception, this material was not exploited either during by Solon and the Athenians or by the ancient authors. the Sources credited both Show more
Publication Year: 2020
Abstract: Building on race to a cultural imperative to redefine what it means to theory, be human.To this end, we propose a new field of this enquiry that finds ways to support the inclusion of neurodivergent volume perspectives in knowledge production, and which questions the theoretical and challenges mythological assumptions that Show more
Publication Year: 2007
Abstract: Why should roots fulfilment and revelation. Focusing on two thirteenth-century Arthurian prose romances, in La Queste del Saint Graal and Perlesvaus , and drawing medieval extensively on the wider field of Old French Grail literature French including the works of Chrétien and Robert de Boron, the literature? book examines the Show more
Publication Year: 1993
DOI: DOI not available
Abstract: Acknowledgments Introduction The and Group Performance - Glenn Swogger, Jr. 8. The Psychodynamics Managerial of a Cultural Change: Learnings from a Factory - Larry Couple: Hirschhorn and Thomas N. Gilmore 9. The Psychodynamics of Safety: Superior-Subordinate A Case Study of an Oil Refinery - Larry Hirschhorn Relationships and Donald R. Show more
Publication Year: 2000
DOI: DOI not available
Abstract: This volume Latin complex division of labor and forms of circulation within the American indigenous economy; the work of gender; and the mythological figure Studies of the earth-mother. While based upon detailed ethnographic research, all dedicated the chapters also engage in theoretical and analytical debate both to within and beyond Show more
Publication Year: 2005
Abstract: Purpose This co‐branding. co‐brand as to make a bold leap and provide a The daring reading of a seemingly innocent co‐branded product. Findings Through purpose the case study of the co‐branded product, the vast amount here of cultural meanings that goes beyond the sets of brand is identities proposed by Show more
Publication Year: 2014
Abstract: The present suggesting threats and future risks. that the Israeli case revolves around a set of paper deep cultural codes which constitute various empirical manifestations. Broadening on extends this re-emerging paradigm, the study provides a specific case study recent of a major trait of Israeli national character, namely existential studies Show more
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