Title: Cultural Anthropology Study on Historical Narrative and Jade Mythological Concepts in Records of the Great Historian: Annals of the First Emperor of Qin
Abstract:<p><span style="font-family: Times New Roman;">This paper takes <em>Records of the Great Historian: Annals of the First Emperor of Qin</em>, an essential historical narrative a...<p><span style="font-family: Times New Roman;">This paper takes <em>Records of the Great Historian: Annals of the First Emperor of Qin</em>, an essential historical narrative at the dawning of Chinese civilization, as a case to illustrate the causality of historical incidents and the underlying mythological concepts, reveal the underlying mythological concepts that dominate the ritual behaviors and narrative expressions, and highlight the prototype function of mythological concepts in the man’s behavior and ideology construction. Once the prototype of certain cultural community is revealed, the evolvement track of its historical cultural texts and the operative relations between coding and re-coding will be better understood.</span></p>Read More